Pastor, Do You Know Your Job Description?

Are you clear on what God has called you to do as a pastor? Not what your church wants you to do. Not what you want to do. Not what the last book your read encourages you to do. What God has called you to do as a pastor?

I wrestled with the question often as a pastor and returned again and again to scripture for guidance to keep me on track. Eventually, I typed up the following and taped it to the inside cover of my Bible.

Your job is to cultivate your people to


      1. Trust in the Risen Savior together

      1. Obey the Risen Lord together

      1. Depend on the Holy Spirit together

      1. Live by the Word together

    1. Have gospel influence together

    You’ll know you’re fruitful when you see growth in


        1. Repentance and freedom from sin’s grip, guilt, and filth

        1. Practical obedience to Jesus’ commands

        1. Supernatural power to live the Christian life

        1. Scripture-infused thinking and conversation

        1. God adding to your number those being saved

      If you at times feel aimless or adrift atop the many expectations of those around you, consider searching the scriptures for yourself and determining exactly what it is God calls pastors to do. Posting it somewhere you’ll see often might be a good idea too.