Three Words (1 Timothy 1:2)

Dear Pastor,

I have three words for you. They are words you offer to your people all the time but often withhold from yourself. I hope you’ll receive them because you really can’t function without them. And when you forget them, all heck breaks lose in your life.

·       You stress over your pastoral performance.

·       Your sense of closeness with God fluctuates with your sense success or failure.

·       You become vulnerable to temptation and prone to hide your sin rather than confess and repent.

·       You get insecure and defensive.

·       You grow anxious or depressed or sullen or sour.

·       You feel alone, like no one understands or cares.

·       You start looking to your phone or your plate or your people for more than they are meant to provide for you.

·       Your spirit and body begin to sink under the weight of the work.

Paul opened 1 Timothy with these three words. Timothy was a young minister charged with countering false teachers and fortifying the church in Ephesus. It was rich, but difficult ministry. So, Paul wrote to him, under inspiration of the Holy Spirit, “Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord” (1 Timothy 1:2).

These are the three words I want to give to you.

Grace. You have God’s unmerited favor, ongoing forgiveness, and blessing. Your best work does not earn more of it and your worst failures do not forfeit any of it. It is yours because Jesus secured it for you.

Mercy. You have his lovingkindness, sympathy, and concern. He is not cold or indifferent toward you. He loves you and cares about you.

Peace. You have a wholesome, reconciled relationship with him and all the stability and tranquility that comes with it. This most important aspect of your life is unshakeable.

As ministry pressures ramp up this fall, carry these three words in your pockets like handwarmers. Remember that you are not just a pastor; you are a Christian and you have all the grace, mercy, and peace you need from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.

In Christ,
