Criteria for Selecting Leaders

Criteria for Selecting Church Leaders

These biblical and practical questions may help you or your church appoint good leaders. They can protect you from favoritism or a “warm body” mentality.

Give these questions to everyone involved in the decision-making process in advance so they can come prepared to the meeting with a list of names. Make a master list based on everyone’s individual lists and you’ll likely see consensus. This can protect against the social pressure to go with the first name mentioned during the meeting. 

  1. Are they active church members in good standing? 
  2. Do they show evidence of works of the flesh based on Galatians 5:19-21?
    – Sexual immorality
    – Impurity
    – Sensuality
    – Idolatry
    – Sorcery
    – Enmity
    – Strife
    – Jealousy
    – Fits of anger
    – Rivalries
    – Dissensions
    – Divisions
    – Envy
    – Drunkenness
    – Orgies
    – Things like these
  3. Do they show evidence of the fruit of the Spirit based on Galatians 5:22-23?
    – Love
    – Joy
    – Peace
    – Patience
    – Kindness
    – Goodness
    – Faithfulness
    – Gentleness
    – Self-control
  4. Do they show evidence of spiritual maturity suitable for spiritual leadership based on 1 Timothy 3:1-13 and Titus 1:5-9? 
    – Above reproach 
    – Faithful in their marriage (if married)
    – Sober-minded
    – Self-controlled 
    – Respectable
    – Hospitable
    – Able to teach (if the role involves teaching) 
    – Not a drunkard
    – Not violent, but gentle
    – Not quarrelsome
    – Not a lover of money
    – Managing their household well
    – Not a recent convert
    – Well thought of by outsiders
    – Dignified
    – Not double-tongued
    – Not addicted to much wine
    – Not greedy for dishonest gain
    – Holding the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience
    – Tested and found blameless
    – Married to a spouse who is dignified, not a slanderer, sober-minded, and faithful (if married)
  5. Are they involved in the church in a healthy way? Do they participate in church life? 
  6. Are they generally esteemed among the church?
  7. Do they seem capable for the specific role? Do they have the necessary skills, experience, and wisdom?
  8. Do they have, or is there likely potential for, a good working relationship with the others who will be involved in the work?