Well Thought Of (1 Timothy 3:7)

May we be men of noble character, teaching, household, maturity, and reputation so that we do not fall into the devil’s snares.
Not a Recent Convert (1 Timothy 3:6)

Paul did not want Timothy to install recent converts into the office of overseer. We must be careful here too.
He Must Manage His Own Household Well (1 Timothy 3:4-5)

Good management of one’s own household demonstrates the potential for good care of God’s church.
Above Reproach: Not a Lover of Money (1 Timothy 3:3)

Because the task is noble, the overseer must be above reproach in all the ways that the false teachers in Ephesus were not—including in regard to money.
Preach the Word, Shepherd the Flock Conference Takeaways

App Region Pastor Josh Baker recently attended the Preach the Word, Shepherd the Flock Conference
Above Reproach: Not Violent (1 Timothy 3:3)

Violence and gentleness are parts of two opposing dispositions toward people.
Above Reproach: Not a Drunkard (1 Timothy 3:3)

We and those we are training to become overseers must be noble in our relationship to wine and other potentially intoxicating drinks.
Above Reproach: Able to Teach (1 Timothy 3:2)

An overseer must be able to grasp scriptural truth and communicate it effectively to the people under his care.